Custom Search

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Adsense Update

Several days ago, one of my best friend, Steve Weber (the owner of Adsense Connection) shared to me about one important point about Adsense. This little mistake that have been taken by the most web masters brought failure to their Adsense income. Please read it carefully:

One of the biggest you can make when placing AdSense ads on your pages is placing TOO MANY ad units on a single page!

Besides how this SCREAMS to visitors that you are begging for them to help you make some income, it is not productive for other reasons too.

In all my testing, and from my research, it is obvious that less is more when it comes to better producing AdSense pages. Why is this?

First of all, the most important determining factor for people clicking your ads is how long they are spending on your site in the first place. When someone comes to a site which looks to be boring or simply full of ads, their response will be to click the back button and NOT one of your AdSense ads.

If your content is compelling and keeps a visitor on the site longer, they will be more likely to click an AdSense ad. The space you use showing all those many ad groups could better be spent featuring valuable content which the visitor will find interesting.

Secondly, Google is all about making money for Google. If you only select to have one ad group on your page, Google is more likely to populate that group with higher paying ads. If you have multiple ad groups on one page, Google will be forced to fill the many groups with some very low paying ads. Therefore, the average value of clicks on that page will be diluted by those lower quality ads.

Don't blindly trust this advice though. Testing is vital! Carefully record your clicks and earnings for a page over time. Then modify it (move or delete some ad groups) and let it run until you have a few hundred or so clicks again; record these and compare with the previous format. Then modify it and test again! Continued testing is KEY!

I think you'll find that less really proves to be more!

This article is dedicated to your success.

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