Custom Search

Monday, September 8, 2008

Google Adwords: Basic Rules # 2

As a professional advertising service, Google Adwords give its attention to creative advertisers, not just for money. It will be different when you publish your ads on PPC service such as You could easily lose your position if you do not set your bid at a highest price. PPC ads service give their attention to the highest price per click no matter how bad the ads is. This is what we call keywords bidding.
Among PPC services, keywords bidding is very popular. It happened every time. But now Google has a great solution for this cold war. Google gives an opportunity to every webmaster to have a highest ads position depends on 3 criterias: bidding price, ads relevance and number of clicks on our ads. In other word, Google always wants to provide relevant advertisement for every search made by your visitors.

Our ads (adwords) must be clicked by visitors at least 0.5% comparing to its appearance as a search result. It called "impression". When we get not enough impression (under 0.5%) then the keyword status which we put our bid on it will be disabled. For example, when we bid on keyword 'internet marketing' and at a certain time there are 1,000 people do the searching on 'internet marketing' phrase at Google and as the result our ads appears 1,000 times (1,000 impression). So, to get visible status our ads must be clicked by visitors at least 5 times for each 1,000 impression.

The formula is: 1,000 impression x 0.5% = 5 clicks.

If we just get 4 clicks for each 1,000 impression, well.. our keyword status will be disabled.

Literally, Google displays 8 - 10 adwords on each page. Please be aware that the lowest price of each keyword bidding on google adwords is 5 cents. Are we clear enough on this session? Let's defeat our competitors.. Victory!!! Oops... don't get rush.. Sounds easy, isn't it? Yeah.. until we learn how to do it. See you tomorrow.

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Anonymous said...

# The very latest 2006 AdWords developments: Dynamic Keyword Insertion; The new rules that affect affiliate marketers; Google's Budget Optimizer; Better landing pages and sales conversion tracking; Expanded Phrase Matching and More
# Easy, ingenious "tweaks" that boost click-thru rates by 30 to 300% - this makes a huge difference, because Google will give you more visitors for the same amount of money!


Internet Marketing

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