Custom Search

Monday, August 18, 2008

Free e-Book # 3

We have learned about Adsense in a few days. Have you understand and try to practicing these methods? Well, I understand in case you still feel confuse about what adsense is, how to start with adsense and the most important how to generate massive online income using Adsense. Ok, here is the highlight about Adsense.

1. The first step, you could not place any furnitures if you do not have a house, right? That is exactly the same thing about adsense. Adsense needs "a home" to be placed on. Home means Website or blog. Now you know that the very first thing to do if you want to get revenue from internet is building a blog or website.
2. What should you do to build a blog? You will need a specific topic for your blog. That's mean you need to find your "niche".
3. OK, then what next? Is it easy to find a good niche? It's depend on you. In order to pick up a good niche you should do some simple researches. Oh God, what the heck is that?
4. Well it is not as difficult as it is heard. You simply need to know and follow the steps. You could begin with your hobby. Who knows your hobby is a good topic for your blog.
5. While you do your research you will need "Keyword" and use Keyword Tools such as to find how many people in a month and a day type the chosen keyword in Google Search Engine. In this process you have to make some comparisons between the search result in Wordtracker and Google.
6. Once you find a good value of the keyword you choose, you could use it as your blog's niche. How we know it has a good value? The idea is the more people performed searches in wordtracker (high number) and the less website provided in google search engine (low number) then you know that is a good keyword.

Ok, I don't want to make you more confuse. Let's get start, get the free e book.

-- The Adsense Mint

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Enjoy the book. Good luck

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