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Friday, August 29, 2008

Optimizing Website # 2

optimized website

Okay, let's continue our topic: Optimizing Website part 2. Here are 5 others:

5. Make sure you put 3 - 8% main keyword in your contents.
In case there are 1000 words in your article then the keyword must be appeared between the range 30 - 80 times. You have to manage your article so these number of keywords become a part of your article. You have to do the same if your article only has 100 words in it. You will need 3 - 8 times the main keyword appear in your article. In other word, It doesn't matter whether you have 1000 or 100 words, the most important is the right proportion of your keyword.

6. The first main keyword that you put in your article should be in 'bold'. Please check out this article, I wrote optimizing website in bold. This is the way it works. When google robot crawling our site, he will crawl every article we have on our site. Remember that robot read our articles in HTML codes. 'Bold' style will draw his attention. Why? Because he will find the HTML format for bold style -- ..... This is the way to tell him that the words is important. When he find that these important words match to our title and considering the use of the keywords as mentioned on point 5 above, the robot will mark that article as indexed.

7. Use Anchor Text as your hyperlink agent. What is anchor text? Anchor text is a word or phrase in our article which has a function as a link to other article. When we want to make a link between one article to another, use your article's word or phrase as a link agent instead of typical text such as "click here". I use anchor text in this article. If you click on "Optimizing Website" phrase at the beginning of this article, the link will navigate you to the previous article about Optimizing Website. Why we should do this? Our website contents is like a wide area for google robot. The first time he comes to our site, he will read our website title then he begin to crawl to find whether our articles are relevant to the title or not. When he find them match to each other, our website is indexed. But not our contents!! That is only our main website. So we need to create path ways for him among our contents to avoid the robot find a dead end. We have to do this in order to make sure all of our web page to be indexed.

8. Add 'Alt Tags' when you uploading the images.We are able to recognize a nice pictures visually, the robor can't. He only read HTML code so... we can easily trick him!!! It's cool, isn't it? If we put bananas picture as an image in our article, we can easily convince him as volcano picture or anything else. How we do that? After uploading picture, go to edit HTML code and find "(Alt="") . Type the description you want (main keyword) between the appostrophy.Example: (Alt="vocano"). This will tell the robot that the image is a volcano picture.

9. Make sure that robot comes to our Title loaded with keyword first before the other.

There are many style of blog's template. Usually blog's template divided into several columns. Choose the one whit the title column on the left side of the template.

That's all we should know about On Page Optimization. Please be sure to do some practices using this SEO technique. Tommorow we will learn about SEO part 2: Off Page Optimization. Good luck!!!

Should you have any question about this topic, please feel free to submit your question into comments.

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